Developer’s Guide

This section provides a brief guideline for potential contributors.

Adding parameters

The parameters of the Model & Network configuration file are defined and deployed in the main module, i.e. There are two steps to add a new parameter:

  • Defining a function:

    This is usually a setter function that sets a module attribute using a given attribute:

def set_sample(self,*args):
        self.sample = eval(args[0])

In this example, set_sample() will set the sample attribute based on a given argument.

  • Add the parameter name to “*parameter_to_method_mapping*” dictionary:

This is where the defined function in the previous step is used: by just appending the variable and function name as a key:value pair to parameter_to_method_mapping dictionary:

'sample_parameter': [n,self.set_sample]}

Where n is the priority value in setting the parameter. The priority value is useful when one wants to define a parameter based on another but they might not be inserted in the correct order. By default, the priority value could follow the last number in the parameter_to_method_mapping dictionary. The priority value does not need to be unique, two values could have the same priority and they run one after another. For example:

self.parameter_to_method_mapping = {
'device': [0,self.set_device],
'save_generated_video_input_flag': [1,self.save_generated_video_input_flag],

Here, save_generated_Video_input_flag will be set using self.save_generated_video_input_flag after device, that is set using self.set_device.

Adding Neuron Model

Adding a new neuron group

Equations for different neuron types are in the class neuron_reference in Under this class, there is a separate method for each neuron group containing equation templates. Adding a new neuron group can be done by copy-pasting the method of eg. the BC neuron group and renaming it (ChC for chandelier cell):

def ChC(self):
   self.output_neuron['equation'] = Equations('''
   dvm/dt = ((gL*(EL-vm) + gL * DeltaT * exp((vm-VT) / DeltaT) + ge * (Ee-vm) + gi * (Ei-vm) / C): volt (unless refractory)
   dge/dt = -ge/tau_e : siemens
   dgi/dt = -gi/tau_i : siemens
   ''', ge='ge_soma', gi='gi_soma')
   self.output_neuron['equation'] += Equations('''x : meter
                                                  y : meter''')

You also need to add the neuron type to the list of accepted types under the init of neuron_reference:

neuron_reference._celltypes = array([...existing neuron types..., 'ChC'])

Similarly, add the neuron type also to the list of accepted types under the init of neuron_parser (in, and create a method for parameter processing. Often, parameters can be used as such in the equations, so the method becomes:

def _ChC(self, output_neuron):

Please note the underscore here before the neuron group name. Now, you can use the name ‘ChC’ to define the connectivity and biophysical parameters in the CSV configuration files.

Note that you might need to add connection weights and delays in physiological configuration file based on the synapses you are going to use with your new neuron model. Also, neuron group equations in CxSystem must have x and y coordinates, so adding the following at the end of the equation block is neccessary:

self.output_neuron['equation'] += Equations('''x : meter
y : meter''')

After this, the neuron equation parameters should be added to Physiological configuration file.

Adding alternative neuron models to existing groups

Typically you want to add an alternative neuron model to an existing neuron group. Suppose you wanted to have the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model (AdEx) alongside the regular exponential integrate-and-fire model (EIF). You want to flexibly switch between the models using a 0/1 flag in the physiological configuration file. First, you would add the AdEx equations to neuron_reference:

def BC(self):

    self.output_neuron['equation'] = ...default model definition here...

    if self.flag_adex == 1:
         self.output_neuron['equation'] = Equations('''
             dvm/dt = ((gL*(EL-vm) + gL * DeltaT * exp((vm-VT) / DeltaT) + ge * (Ee-vm) + gi * (Ei-vm) -w) / C) : volt (unless refractory)
             dge/dt = -ge/tau_e : siemens
             dgi/dt = -gi/tau_i : siemens
             dw/dt = (a*(vm - EL)-w)/tau_w : amp
             ''', ge='ge_soma', gi='gi_soma')

Make a similar change to all the neuron groups you want to be affected. Then, extract flag_adex in the init of neuron_reference:

   self.flag_adex = self.value_extractor(self.physio_config_df, 'flag_adex')
   if self.flag_adex == 1:
      self.output_neuron['reset'] += '; w=w+'+repr(self.output_neuron['namespace']['b'])
   self.flag_adex = 0

It is a good idea to extract any flag under try unless you want it to be always explicitly defined (will cause an error if not defined). In the case of AdEx, also the reset condition needs to be modified here as it is not a part of the equation templates. After these changes, you can use flag_adex in the physiological CSV file to switch between the two neuron models.

Adding Synapse Model

Similarly to adding new neuron groups, you need to add the new synapse types to the lists of accepted types. Suppose you wanted to add a ‘Depressing’ synapse type (a form of short-term synaptic plasticity). First, in the init of synapse_reference (

synapse_reference.syntypes = array([...existing synapse types..., 'Depressing'])

Then similarly in the init of synapse_parser (

synapse_parser.type_ref = array ([...existing synapse types..., 'Depressing'])

Equations for the new synapse type can then be added as a method under synapse_reference:

def Depressing(self):

    self.output_synapse['equation'] = Equations('''
    wght : siemens
    R : 1

    self.output_synapse['pre_eq'] = '''
    R = R + (1-R)*(1 - exp(-(t-lastupdate)/tau_d))
    %s += R * U * wght
    R = R - U * R
    ''' % (self.output_synapse['receptor'] + self.output_synapse['post_comp_name'] + '_post')

After these changes, one can use the reference ‘Depressing’ in the anatomical CSV configuration file when defining connections between neuron groups. Definition of ‘Facilitating’ synapses could then be added in a similar way.

Updating the Documentation

Building the documentation locally

Building the documentation locally is essential to test the modifications while preventing redundant pushes to the repository. Sphinx is well documented, yet we will provide the essentials for improving the documentation of the CxSystem. The documentation for reStructuredText is available here.

To build the documentation locally in Linux and Mac, first, install the sphinx using:

$ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx

When sphinx is installed, you can build the documentation using the following command:

$ cd ./CxSystem/docs && make html

After compiling the documentation, you can open the updated local documentation by opening the following file in the browser:


The procedure for windows systems is similar. First install the Sphinx using:

C:\CxSystem> pip install sphinx

and then make html in the docs folder will build the documentation locally.

Mocking modules

The auto-generated API using Sphinx tries to import the entire module hierarchy. This is not an issue when the document is built locally. However, not all the modules are available online in readthedocs website and therefore the online build will fail to generate the reference documentation. To address this issue, any imported module which is not part of the CxSystem must be added to autodoc_mock_imports list in CxSystem/docs/